'So hari tu kami ada nampak Trevor James punya videos pasal ni Hokkien Mee, macam siooooook ja, so we decided to go and try it for ourself... It was dammmmmmmn good!! bah enjoy the video guys! SEAPARK RESTAURANT https://goo.gl/maps/sbfPpA8n4eGUYrNJ9 Hey guys! Thank you so much for visiting this channel! If you like any of this channel content feel free to click like, share and SUBSCRIBE! Thanks for your support! #buddaboieats #sabahaninkl #hokkienmee #trevorjames #thefoodranger #foodshow #makanmakan #malaysia #travel #sabahan You can also find us on INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/davekitzkiniki/?hl=en https://www.instagram.com/aldoloves/?hl=en'
Tags: Food , vlog , Travel , Behind the Scenes , foodreview , Malaysian , sabah , makanmakan , Gears , sabahan , Life as a musician , musician life , kitzkiniki , buddaboi , musician vlog , sabahaninkl
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